Along the seminars, and workshops with comic book professionals there are previews of upcoming films, portfolio review sessions with top comic book and video game companies, and such evening events as award ceremonies and the Masquerade costume contest. This and comic con International Film Festival, which showcases shorts and feature length movies that don't have distribution deals.
recently these past few years, include Television shows that are promoted far outnumber films. Last year at least 80 TV shows were represented, compared with 35 films. The shows not only promote in the Exhibit halls but with the use of Screenings, panels of various actor, writers producers you get a full depth information about the show. To name a few Bones, Burn Notice, Castle, Chuck, Grimm, Mythbusters, Nikita, Once Upon a Time, Psych, Supernatural, and The Vampire Diaries. Of course sci-fi TV shows are there, such as Being Human, Eureka, Fringe, Lost Girl, Sanctuary, Torchwood, Doctor Who and Warehouse 13, but HBO and Showtime are also big attractions with shows like Dexter, Shameless and True Blood.
This year includes The walking dead, game of thrones as well Dr who and Supernatural.
Hopefully By Saturday, people will be able to get a sneak peek at Quentin Tarantinos Django Unchained, Pacific Rim, The hobbit, Man of Steel and Iron man 3.
While sunday Fringe will be holding a Q and A session to celebrate its final 5th season in the morning and Dr Who will be promoting at mid day.
Maybe in the not too distance future I can see what's all the fuss is about, but until then I'll look forward to hearing or seeing the video highlights.
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