At the last minute the strike was cancelled when he realised the potential enemy he could see on the monitor was in fact a child playing. Mr Jeffrey also talked about witnessing - via a video link from a fighter jet - a missile strike on Taliban targets in built up areas that left several civilians dead. Having now left the military and living in the US, Mr Jeffrey warns that while drones are a precise and effective weapon they have also made it "too easy to kill".
Technology for flying drones won't stop at the current level already during its final test flight, two modified Global Hawk aircraft flew in close formation, 100 feet or less between refueling probe and receiver drogue, for the majority of a 2.5-hour engagement at 44,800 feet. This demonstrated for the first time that High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) class aircraft can safely and autonomously operate under in-flight refueling conditions. The flight was the ninth test and the first time the aircraft flew close enough to measure the full aerodynamic and control interactions. Flight data was analyzed over the past few months and fed back into simulations to verify system safety and performance through contact and fuel transfer-including the effects of turns and gusts up to 20 knots."
The X-47B is a completely unmanned drone. Meaning, not only no pilot but no human control from the ground. Its missions are initially planned by humans but once these things are airborne they are guided and controlled by on-board computers.
Now with the X-47B it will be the decision of an algorithm based on perceived threats that are described by sensors. So it begs the question, where is the accountability if something goes horribly wrong?. In 2013 it will become the first unmanned vehicle to take off from and land on an aircraft carrier, which is considered one of the most difficult aerial manoeuvres. It will do this by relying on extremely detailed GPS coordinates and constant interaction with the carrier’s computers that transmit speed and cross-wind data as the aircraft approaches the ship. And it will refuel itself in the air via an aerial tanker.
MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System) features new software controls, which allow the robot’s driver to select fire and no-fire zones. The idea is keep the robots from accidentally shooting a flesh-and-blood American. A mechanical range fan also keeps MAARS’ gun pointed away from friendly positions. The robot is also equipped with a GPS transmitter, so it can be seen on — and tap into — the American battlefield mapping programs, just like tanks and Humvees.
Born out of the possibilities of sci-fi the Raytheon XOS 2: second generation exoskeleton, has people guessing a probable military use for this type of machine. It can provide the operator superhuman strength to the point that it will never tire of lifting weights so long as the power is on. With extra shielding and a full weapons system it could give the soldier an invincible edge other enemies without this technology. The disadvantage of exoskeleton soldiers would be the clumsy nature of heavy machinery, which makes a easy target for Rock powered grenades or heavy gun fire.
The future of robotics in a combat situation has a potential of reducing casualties, but at some cost. Drone pilots have the luxury of going into combat for several hours and leave the battlefield to come home to their families for dinner. They also have the highest numbers for post traumatic stress disorder. P. W. Singer an American political scientist, explores how science fiction has started to play out on modern day battlefields, with robots used more and more in war. For his book research, Singer interviewed hundreds of robotics scientists, science fiction writers, soldiers, insurgents, politicians, lawyers, journalists, and human rights activists from around the world. We are are now seeing the fallout of using robots in warfare, with the number of news items of drone attack on civilians and the people its effecting. The use of drones and new robotic systems will continue to increase, perhaps solve strategic weakness but present moral dilemmas...
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