Images of children in their bedrooms have been freely available on the web, following a security breach by webcam. The breach affects thousands of feeds, and was caused by an error in code introduced nearly two years ago. IP cameras may be accessed online in real time. The flaw was first discovered by the Consolecowboys hacking blog, which details how the cameras' video streams are accessible to anyone with the correct net address - and how the Shodan search engine can be used to discover vulnerable cameras. In particular, the firmware for 22 webcam models sold by Trendnet since April 2010 has a bug that allows anonymous connections to be made to the cameras, without requiring a password. According to a statement published on the company's website earlier this week, "Trendnet's security team understands that video from some Trendnet IP SecurView cameras may be accessed online in real time. Upon awareness of the issue, Trendnet initiated immediate actions to correct and publish updated firmware which resolves the vulnerability."
Also three of the most popular brands of closed-circuit surveillance cameras are sold with remote internet access enabled by default, and with weak password security - a classic recipe for security failure that could allow hackers to remotely tap into the video feeds, according to new research.
according to researcher Justin Cacak, senior security engineer at Gotham Digital Science, the cameras, used by banks, retailers, hotels, hospitals and corporations, are often configured insecurely - thanks to these manufacturer default settings,. As a result, he says, attackers can seize control of the systems to view live footage, archived footage or control the direction and zoom of cameras that are adjustable.
CCTV video surveillance systems are deployed at entrances and exits to facilities as well as in areas considered to be sensitive, such as bank vaults, server rooms, research and development labs and areas where expensive equipment is located.
Typically, the cameras are easily spotted on ceilings and walls, but they can also be hidden to monitor employees and others without their knowledge. Obtaining unauthorized access to such systems could allow thieves to case a facility before breaking into it, turn cameras away from areas they don’t want monitored or zoom in on sensitive papers or prototype products at a workstation. The cameras could also be used to spy on hospitals, restaurants and other facilities to identify celebrities and others who enter.
UrtheCast is a Canadian based company that will distribute the operational software for the first publicly accessibly HD Cameras to be installed on the International Space Station. This is an international project involving several nations. The UrtheCast service will be accessible online and will allow users to access the two UrtheCast cameras from their homes to examine places or events.
From the receivers, the data will be uncompressed and uploaded to servers. On the UrtheCast website, you’ll be able to fast-forward, pause, rewind and skip the near-live footage. You’ll also be able to tag segments of video on Facebook and Twitter, and track the Space Station’s position to see when it will next pass over an area of interest. Hopefully the camera will be built by the UK's Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL) and will be installed on the Russian module of the ISS. The platform will utilize some measure of open source coding. Being hailed as a live google earth cam, it means we can see a unique perspective on the planet we inhabit. The success of Google earth progressed to street view and the accessibility of the world at every corner. Could UrtheCast do the same and bring live feeds of the world?, it could expose areas to natural disasters or political upheaval. Having one Point of View its likely that the camera will be streaming places of interest instead of secret areas. In the end I am hopeful that the live cam of the world might educate us maybe on environmental issues, rather then petty human crimes...
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