Wednesday 20 June 2012

Intelligence, or the lack of it

A long time ago when dinosaurs rule the earth and grunge was kind of fashionable and I was a student. I would have this chat up routine where by I would talk about the degree's of intelligence to half drunk girls.
This resulted in about second base with most girls, a life lesson that intellectual talk has the attractiveness of a  person who has crossed over to the friends zone. This means my early attempts of stimulating a girl by way of stimulating here brain falls very short, and I never really had game at all.

Still out of the ashes of my lame bar talk come the seedlings of a dissertation that I wanted to explore. Intelligence or aspects of the brain which I thought would be intelligence has different varieties.
The paper I wrote was to categorize the different functions of the brain, which I didn't think an IQ test would  be accurate. According to Howard Gardner there are Nine types of intelligence.

  • Natural intelligence is the ability to discriminate among living things, people who have this form of intelligence have the ability to organize their surroundings. Once hunter, gatherers and farmers, it continues to be central in the roles of botanist or chefs or possibility jobs with a high requirement of organization skills.
  • Musical intelligence is a skill that requires the ability to discriminate  pitch, rhythm, timing, timber and tones. People who have the ability to see the music or to compose with great ease. There is often a shared connection with emotion, music and mathematics all of which share the same thought process.
  • Logical- Mathematical intelligence is the ability to quantify the real word and apply them to a logical or mathematical process. Mistaken for common sense, it is the ability to problem solve with logical reasoning around the laws and rules that govern the situation. Logical intelligence are well developed in scientists detectives and game strategists.
  • Existential Intelligence is the ability to question the large questions of existence, the meaning of life and death. They are people who can often bring out abstract views into focus, as they see a larger picture and relate to macro system rather then a focus of a singular thing.
  • Interpersonal intelligence often named people smart, is the ability to understand and communicate with people. They are sensitive to moods and temperaments of others, or have the ability of seeing multiples of perspectives. These are often leaders, teachers actors and politicians. 
  • Kinesthetic intelligence or Body smart is the ability to manipulate object and use a variety of skills. This is often sensitive to timing and awareness to surrounding. These skill are central to athletes, dancers, surgeons and crafts people.
  • Linguistic intelligence or word smart is the ability to think up words and use language to express complex meaning. People with this type of intelligence are usually novelist, journalists, public speakers or poets.
  • Intra-personnel intelligence or self smart is the ability of understanding ones thoughts and feelings. They are often aware of ones direction in life and of their own feelings, which means they are self motivated. This is evident in spiritual leaders, philosophers and psychologists.
  • Spatial intelligence or picture smart is the ability to think in three dimensions. People with this skill are able to imagine objects manipulate them and present their imagination via a drawing or computer generated image.Often pilots, sailors sculptors Artists or architects use this type of intelligence.

learning about so many different types of intelligence,  came to the understanding that IQ test was redundant way of finding someones qualities. I read the skills are best acquired during the teenage years, while the white grey cells are turning to permeant grey matter. Often thought why do some people excelling their chosen professionals and some others don't. In Some examples, Salvador Dali is well known for surreal paintings and eccentric personality. A study from Sweden's Karolinska institute into brain scans revealed that certain neuro pathways are similar between two test groups. The differences of highly creative people and schizophrenics were strikingly similar. The theory being that certain areas of the brain that filter out data in a normal person, maybe reduced in artistic people and completely in schizophrenics.

Reading further I found Asperger's syndrome could of been help to explain why intellectual giants like Alan Turing, Isaac Newtons and Albert Einstein was so passionate about their work in their respected fields. Why they were awkward with social interactions.
savant syndrome is a condition where by one in ten people with autism display an impressive capacity of memory or calculating or musical or spatial skills. They usually have a intensive focus behaviour a quality shared by all people with Autism.

For me intelligence is a balance of all nine properties, while not obsessing on the one thing, its more clear that
people don't need to show off intelligence, in the same way they show off riches. In other areas intelligence can be a stupid thing. I found that out trying to appeal to someones intellectual side while trying to chat her up. I read somewhere that intelligence is an evolutionary dead end, we might reach a point where we might hit a limit. Or we can't evolve anymore, by then we are intelligent to figuratively see a on coming car crash.

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